Chris Birchby, Founder of COOLA, Podcast Summary
This week Ekta talks to Chris Birchby, the Founder of COOLA Skincare. Chris originally wanted to become a painter and moved to Venice, California for graduate school where he studied Fine Arts.
“It was about 2004, when the idea for COOLA really started. My background is not in skin science, it’s not even in business. I was an English Art double major in undergraduate and went to graduate school for Fine Arts specializing in painting and that’s what brought me out to Venice, California. While I was living in Venice, I was experiencing organic everything, for the first time. I grew up in New Jersey, we didn’t have organic grocery stores and dry cleaners there. When I was in Venice, I was experiencing this organic and healthy lifestyle for the first time.” (Birchby).
Chris talks about his parent’s both being diagnosed with Melanoma, thankfully they were both caught early enough for successful treatment. “I went to a dermatologist for the first time and I had that scared straight moment [After both of his parent’s were diagnosed with melanoma]. Spending a lot of time at the beach and I realized I wanted to become serious about sun protection. Our drawer growing up was SPF 2, 4, 6, and maybe a tanning oil. I had a lot of ground to cover, and that’s what started this journey into creating sunscreen.” (Birchby).
Chris’ journey creating this incredible brand has been nothing short of fulfilling for himself and those around him. He speaks about skin safety and protection with such a passionate tone and it shines through, how much he cares about proper sunscreen and this company he’s built.
You can listen to to full episode here:
Author: Remy Vidal
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