“Perfect Skin For Holidays Starts With Good SPF & Everyday Makeup Glam In One- ft. Kari Gran”
Kari Gran’s journey into the beauty industry was anything but a straight road. At 29, she was diagnosed with two autoimmune disorders, Grave’s disease, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Gran explains how her diagnosis ultimately led her down the journey of starting her own brand. To stabilize her thyroid, she became super interested in what ingredients she was putting into her body and began reading food labels, which quickly turned into reading cosmetic labels. Before she knew it she was selecting ingredients for her creations to combat the dryness caused by her autoimmune disorders. “It wasn’t like ooh this is a growing market and I want a company to serve this market, I kind of did it in reverse if that makes sense” she explained to Ekta.
Feeling burnt out from her careers as an accountant and in real estate, Gran started giving samples of her own beauty oils to her friend, and now business partner, Lisa Strain. “I got attracted to facial oils when I started reading labels and when I started doing more studying and kind of opening my mind to what other people did all over the world and when I used them I loved them and felt that hydration and moisturization that I hadn’t felt before” she explained. “I formulated this line for myself not anybody else in the beginning. Once my skin felt better, especially when I woke up in the morning, I just felt like it looked better.” Gran states 75% of day creams are water-based. Water in a formula is not only drying but requires preservatives, is unstable, changes the chemical formulation, and provides a home for bacteria from our fingers and the air. “I’m not demonizing water but for somebody who’s a little drier it’s not your friend, drink it or eat it.”
“You need a good cleansing system, you need good hydration and moisturizer, you need good protection, and then you go on with your life.” Sun protection is a critical aspect of skin and product protection according to Gran. She explains her line also uses dark glass bottles to protect the product from UV damage. Sun damage leads to photoaging, the breakdown of collagen and elastin, and the increase of hyperpigmentation. “If it is light enough to read a book there is UVA light present and it’s damaging your skin, creating photoaging.” Gran gives Ekta tips and tricks for applying oil-based sunscreen, such as waiting a few minutes after applying serums before applying sunscreen. Minimalism skincare routines are key for using oil-based products. Gran suggests reevaluating your routine and asking yourself “How can I make each thing work harder for me instead of having to reach for so many different things” Further, she tells Ekta “How you age is more than what you put on your skin”. Lifestyle, diet, health, and stress are all major contributors to our skin health. Gran leaves us with a simple but important reminder: “Don’t let skincare be the most important part of your life.”
Written By: Madigan Pizzella
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